Thursday, April 23, 2009

Two Years

It's funny I think.....

My work visa is good for 2 years. During that time, I'll apply for permanent residence and so the two years will become meaningless. But I started thinking about this amount of time this week for several reasons. And I started to notice an odd trend.

Two years ago....Curt was sentenced, I met someone who started a realization in me that I was worth far far more than I thought I was, I started back to church after a long hiatus.

Two years before that....I was trying to find help for my depression (even if I refused to admit what was wrong). It had hit the point where I weighted almost 250 lbs, but could almost not eat solid foods because I felt like something was stuck in my throat and food made me choke. (Severe acid reflux was what was the problem--can often happen in depression--started taking pepcid went away and I started eating...and losing weight. Go figure...when you cut calories to 1/2 what the body is used to...your body responds by storing what you do eat to fat.
:( Yeah...that was a fun time. Curt had his last affair.

Two years before that....Mamma died. A young girl came into our lives in a big way (and led to Curt's current location) I gave up trying to have children.

Two years before that...I left a long time (8 year) employer, after being told I'd hit the glass ceiling there. Curt and I stopped going to church. Curt had another affair

Two years before that....I was diagnosed with arthritis and told I needed to quit interpreting within 1-3 years if I wanted to use my hands all my life. (I left 9 months later)

Two years before that...Curt was in trouble with the law for the first time. (petty theft) I was told I had "infertility problems" Curt's second affair

Two years before that...Curt had his first affair.

Two years before that...I gave up on teaching.

Obviously...things happened in between those two year marks. Important things. Big things. But it was just a bit spooky to realize some of the big things seem to happen every two years. Not to mention the realization of just how much I've had happen in my life in the last 16 years.

So anyway...If you are now thinking of two am I. ;)