Thursday, October 18, 2007

Joining the Church, starting to make new friends

So it feels really strange to me. Tuesday afternoon I went to St. R. to talk with the pastoral care director about joining the church. I didn't want to really get into everything with Curt. So I left the line about martial status blank, filled out the rest of the card, and handed it back. she looked at it for a minute and said--"There is no shame here if you are divorced or separated--We see this often and we want to be here for you." OOF. So I said, "Well, we are separated. Which is the truth as far as it goes. It was just easier than explaining exactly why we are separated. She asked if there was hope of a reconciliation, and I said yes, I was beginning to see hope for that...also true. I would guess at some point later down the road--much later--I may go back and explain more. But for now--Marie gave me a book on separation and the feelings that go with it--WOW do they describe me the past year to a tee! And a prayer shawl. She said " The ladies that make these never know who we will give them to, but they pray while they knit or crochet for spiritual, physical and emotional strength for the recipient of each shawl. And anyone who has been separated from a spouse, needs strength." I like her. Nice.

It felt even a bit odder at choir--we had treats afterward and that was nice. Talk to a few of the ladies and felt good about it. Talked with the director, D, about the reason I haven't sung in so long--too busy as an interpreter! She asked if I might be willing to sign some songs sometimes. And I said "Of course!--I love to sign." Then the dreaded question "why aren't you signing now?" Because arthritis makes the joints wayyyy to stiff and painful to do more than maybe 1/2hr to an hr at a time--not a good thing for an interpreter. But it felt so nice to start meeting a few people and putting some names and faces together.

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