Friday, May 1, 2009


Ok...I admit it...that was a bit of an odd title. :)

But I've been having a bit of a problem and if you are reading this and have some opinion...I'd like to hear it.

The problem in a nutshell is....How do you as an adult starting over show/feel your independence from your family, while maintaining some connection, but not allowing yourself to become dependent on them or them to be dependent on you?

I saw on TV an ad for that show that does interventions with people dealing with addictions and it was brought up that maybe the mother who emails/calls/visits her daughter daily....maybe a bit addicted to her family. And that the crying/over the top guilt/franticness of the relationship maybe contributing to her daughter's problems. And I can see that. As I have a mom who is doing much the same.

I know I haven't kept in as close a contact as she would like....but then...don't I get a say in how close we are? So anyway...any advice...would be nice. :)

1 comment:

Bill said...

You left the country for a reason. Maybe for several. Being close to family wasn't one of them, I'd guess.

Seems like she needs to come to grips with that.

You, too.