Thursday, July 16, 2009


This is the beginning of a rant. I'll admit it. I'm not having a good day and I need to vent a bit. So if you are not up to hearing a bit of a rant/vent....move right along. ;)

Still here? OK, don't say I didn't warn you.


Why is it I am still enduring painful periods when I can't have kids? I am so frustrated at this. I'm old enough that going back on the pill isn't really healthy for me, but without it, I have to endure pain and heavy periods. There are times I just want my periods to end forever. There is no point to them, other than to remind me each month of what I can't have. Maybe because I'm also sick this month it's just worse, but I'm just about sick of having this happen each month. There is a part of me that just wants to walk into my Dr. office (ok, ok...I guess I need to find a gynaecologist here in Canada first) and say....what can we do to end this for me. I don't care if it's temporary or permanent, I just want it to end! I know there are some other options out there for birth control (not that I need that--being infertile kind of solves that on it's own.) But would any of the other options help the way the pill did? :( I guess it's time for me to find a OB/GYN and find out. OK....another part to this rant...why do they call them OB/GYN? Most of our lives as woman we just use the GYN part. The OB part is for most women....let me see 2-3 kids on average...9 months of pregnancy....18-27 months out of 60 years of our adult female lives? Yet we put the OB part first.

OK...sorry for that. Just needed to get it off my chest.

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