Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend woes

OK--so it was just Sunday blahs. Saturday started out as a really good day. Started with a nice visit with Curt. Mom came with me so I even got a short (15 minute) nap in the car. Went to Mass, out to dinner with a friend (Bob) and his wife, then out for dessert with Dave.

So Sunday.....

Started OK--got up, got going on my day, Mom and Dad went to church, I got some things unpacked. They came home and mom had thought of another place to go look for some things for the bathroom. So after a trip to Loew's we go out to eat at a new place (Guadalajurara's in Monticello--OK, but not great) then to Target, then home. So far--a bit annoyed as I had told mom I wanted to stay home and get all my stuff unpacked as I have another busy few days ahead of me and wanted to spend most of yesterday on this. (it's now 2:30) Home we go and Dad has to do some work from last week as he spent most of Thursday afternoon on my car troubles. So I should have had time, right? Wrong. Mom needed help with Christmas stuff, then she want to talk about what I am doing, then she wants to ask about a dozen questions, not giving me time to answer any of them. It's now almost 4 and I've accomplished nothing since 11 am.

When mom follows me into my bedroom and starts taking things out of my closet--I loose it. No, no screaming match, no swearing, not even a raised voice. Just "Mom--Let me deal with that later OK? I can get my own dirty clothes into the laundry room". To which she replies "well if you need to tell me to leave just say don't go away mad, just go away." and walks out of my room.

No, I chose not to follow her. This is a lesson she does need to learn--that I do need some space. And talking to her about it hasn't worked. So maybe--feeling like she was thrown out will. Except that now I feel like a heel. I mean after all my folks have been doing for me.... but I am an adult and I need to have someplace I can retreat to without being followed. I need a place to call my own. And I need a place that has nothing of mom's in it. I took my dirty clothes and empty hangers to the laundry room this morning as I said I would do. So I am hoping maybe we have a bit of an agreement on that.

Now if I can get mom and dad to get that a closed door means--Knock, wait and when I say come in, then open the door.....

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