Monday, February 8, 2010

Random thoughts....

I saw a bilboard advertising a job that I need to get a picture of to post here for a friend who is currently out of's only a part time position...but how many places are actively searching for a winemaker? But there is a store here that is looking for just that.

We are having another town's underwater hockey team come and visit and teach us a bit. It's not until the end of the month, but I'm looking forward to it. I think it will be both fun and interesting.

I'm back at the first house I was at last April. It's a small house and that makes night shifts really hard to stay awake for as there just isn't as much to do. Thankfully I'm only there a month, and my night shifts are one week at the first (already done!) and one at the end of the month...and that's a short week! YAY!!!!

The weather is looking...possible for a trip to Minot on Friday. I need to take my car down to get some recall work done on it so I can actually get it licensed and insured here in Canada. I'll call the dealership tomorrow and try to get it all set up.

Until then...laundry, work, band, UWH....busy, busy, busy!

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