Sunday, July 6, 2008

another month gone by...

and I didn't post.

So much going on that this was the thing to go. But it really needs to not be the thing to go. I really do need to express myself more in this way.

So, a quick update for those who may not know. Tried for and didn't get an apartment. I'm in the process of trying again. Have been formally accepted into Metro State. I have an email address there and everything! I go next week to take a math test on Tuesday. (Thanks Bob for the text book. It giving me a lot to study!) And then on Thursday, I sign up for classes, learn about the campus, and meet with an adviser. Work has been crazy! Normally you do maybe 1 or 2 annuals in a month....I've done 3 in the last 3 weeks...and 2 more are scheduled for this week! YIKES! 5 annuals in 4 weeks! But my boss has been great about giving me extra paperwork time so I can get it all done. So I am a happy camper at work!

Hard to believe an entire month can be reduced to a paragraph....lots more happened. Some happy (a wedding--a visit from a nephew), some sad (only one visit with Curt, changes in a relationship). It was an odd month to say the least. But I think...overall, it was good.

I feel stronger for having lived through it. And I think....I'll need that strength for July. ;)

This week--7 dogs, 6 more days, 5 overnight visitors, 4 days at home alone, 3 things i must remember to do with the pool, 2 cats, and 1 very tired human. And that is just at home!

Outside of home...5 days of work, 4 hours of meetings at college, 3 extra paperwork hours, 2 annual meetings, and the same 1 very tired human!

So for those of you who read this and pray...please ask God to give a bit of extra stamina this week. :)

And I'll be home a lot later this week....I'll be able to write again.

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