Friday, May 30, 2008

The Eucharist

So yes...this is becoming more and more a religious themed with it. :)

But this past week has been an odd one. And one where the topic of the Eucharist keeps appearing. It's shown up in readings, in church service (Sunday was the feast of Corpus Christi), the music from the service, and just in talking with friends and family.

And Fr. F told the story of the boy and his dad out camping...Son wakes up in the middle of the night, wakes dad and asks what the stars are saying to him. Father starts to wax philosophical...talking about astronomy, theology. Then asks what they say to the son. Son replies.."They tell me someone stole our tent!"

Fr. F called this a "DUH" moment. And went on to say that as long time Catholics we need to remember that the Eucharist, while something we do each week and maybe not something we think much about, should be a DUH moment. A moment when we see it for all that it is. Our Savior, giving himself to us, to become a part of us, and we of Him. And yes, it's easy to just partake each week and not really think about it...but it is the obvious answer we must remember.

And last weekend...I was truly grateful for all the Eucharist had to give me. I really needed to hear again how this is the cornerstone of faith. That Jesus came down from heaven, by the power of the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin and became a man. All so he could suffer, die and be buried and rise again to give us a chance at eternal life. Such perfect, amazing love.

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