Monday, June 15, 2009

Ah...two days off!

I must admit it. I'm learning to really love my schedule. :) I've been off for 24 hrs and will be off for another 48. Then I work 24 of 48 hrs and then I'm off again for 84 hrs before I go back for another 24 of 48.

Some days do go really slow. But that is due to the current house/consumer I'm working with. Which will be changing at the end of the month. I'm moving from the Crisis house to the Respite house. The Respite house is there to give regular, full time caregivers someplace they can take their charges to for anywhere from 4 hrs to 7 days. I'll be there for July and August (the two busiest months). I'm looking forward to it. Not only will there probably be at least 4 consumers each night, but that means there will be at least two staff on at all times too. :) So I'm looking forward to getting to know more people, seeing lots of new consumers and over all just having a great time. :)

So I'm getting the ultra sound done this week. On Thursday afternoon. I have mixed feelings about this. I really, really hate doctors, lab work, and medical stuff in general. But at the same time, I've thought for a lot of years that this is just not right. So off I go to get an ultrasound of my kidneys to see if there is a problem there. After that, it's a few days to wait for the results and another visit to Dr. K.

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