Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunday Morning Mass

I went to Mass at my new church last Sunday morning. I really do feel so at home there. Even more so than I ever felt in MN. And I liked my church in MN. But there is a....flavour (to use the Canadian spelling ;) ) to this Catholic church which is unlike anything I've seen. In part I think it's almost a Evangelical/Pentecostal feel. I had some really odd thoughts at Mass on Sunday.

The first one was....How is a Catholic Mass like a musical?

Well...People move in unison (Stand/Sit/Kneel) and process around the church with little to no direction (kind of like a slow dance bit), and burst into song without warning. :) Where else but a musical (or the Mass) does this happen?

The second odd thought I had was my church is even more multicultural than my church in MN. Which is a bit odd as my church in MN wasn't exactly all white. But here...we have a couple of families from Africa, a few from the Phillipeans, some from Europe, and now...me from the States. Which is fun...as people will look at me for a few minutes then say "You're not from around here, eh?" And I'm not. I still say "Amen" with a long A, instead of Ahmen. ;)

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