Monday, June 2, 2008


So I am trying very hard not to worry....

about what will be decided about the apartment I've applied for....

about what I will do if turned down....

about some small, but nagging physical problems that I know I need to see my Dr. about, but can't find a time to do so...

about my continued mental health while living here with M&D

about my dogs' health due to their weight (problems caused by M)

and just this overall sense of dread I've been getting of late. :(

So for the few faithful readers of this....

Prayer would be greatly appreciated.

And if by chance you see me this week...and I'm looking a bit ragged....know you are not the reason. I am.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Reading this, I couldn't help think of the weeds in my yard. Some, like the dandelions, I go around and spray or dig up. Others, like the creeping charlie and the violets I just kind of let alone. They add a little character to the lawn, even though they are really nuisances and don't belong.

They make me think of Jesus' words about the wildflowers in the field, where He says "look at the flowers - they don't toil. If this is how your Father clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown in the fire, how much more will He clothe you?" I think He was talking about weeds. :) Sometimes they're pretty to look at. But they really are a nuisance. And they won't last, either. But God puts them there.

I think somewhere in that passage Jesus talked a bit about worrying. You probably remember all that just fine without me reminding you. ;) Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and these things you're dealing with.