Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jobs, Careers, and Callings

So I have now been gainfully employed for two weeks! I already have become somewhat attached to this place and the people we serve. I had forgotten in the last eight years what it feels like to be working at something you are called to do. And I am soooo grateful for the chance to do so again. It's a balm on a wounded soul. :)

It's the little things at work that have been sooo uplifting. Getting a client whose normal facial expression is a grimace to smile, getting a deaf client to respond in sign, when she refuses to sign most of the time, having a client who normally takes months to adjust to new people talk to me the first week. Nothing that those who don't feel a connection to the least of these our brothers/sisters would think of as important. But for! I've already got a small collection of art work too. A coloring page of an angel, a picture drawn by a woman with her and myself signing to each other and the words Andrea/Chris sign happy, a "modern art" piece with blocks of purple, blue, green and brown--the clients favorite colors! And a God's eye--made with two wooden skewers, and bits of different colored (non-matching) pieces of yarn. I think I'll need a small box for all the art I'll get over the years I want to be here!

I've had many jobs in the past eight years...several different careers...but now...I'm finally returning to my calling. It doesn't feel like work at all. :)

1 comment:

Bill said...

I had to grin from ear to ear reading this.. :D