Saturday, October 13, 2007

I hate being sick!!!!

So I woke up on Friday with a fever (103) chills, sore throught, and achey. Great-flu or strep. Called into work. Went back to bed. Woke occasionally to get hot tea or water--slept a lot. Occasionally checked e-mail (i've applied for a couple more full time positions--we'll see what happens next)

Slept all night on Friday, got up way later than I had planned on Saturday, but still got the car mostly cleaned out. Did some errands and went to mass at 4:30. I really like St. R's-the atmosphere, the people, the priest. Today's mass was on giving thanks--old testament story of Naaman, gospel of the 10 lepers. And even though a good enough homily could be made on the need to be thankful (which we all need to do more of) Fr. made sure to remind us that both Naaman and the thankful healed lepers were strangers to the Lord's table and that God didn't turn them away. Reminding us again that we can't turn others away just because they are not like us. Have I mentioned I really like this priest?

He gave a story about an RCIA candadate that during her prayers at night always counted down a "top ten" list of things to be thankful for. Reminded me of the year our youth group kept prayer journals--Used the ACTS acronym for it-


C--contemplation (This was the original--it was changed to something else--can't remember what--as I didn't think it needed to be changed! )



We were supposed to make sure we had more things in our ACT than in our S.

One of the few times I didn't mind keeping a journal. Otherwise--I kind of hate it. But this one is needed. Just to get thing down and in some kind of order will be priceless.


Bill said...

Confession, A. Confession.

Which reminds me.. and it should remind you. :)


Ann said...

Yes--it does remind me. Thanks